Author Archive
“The Break” – Short Film from Nathan Turner on Vimeo. “The Break” is a darkly comic tale of a professional killer and his attempts at recreation in his time off. Directed By Nathan Turner Produced by Chris Boyle, Greig Ritchie and Nathan Turner Starring Greig Ritchie The film was shot entirely on a GH2 with [...]
GH2 Explosion – Before and After from Nathan Turner on Vimeo. Our Badass hitman doing what he does best!!! (with a little help from After Effects)
November 16, 2011 by admin The above is a shot from a short film we are producing. This is a screen grab from the After Effects comp in progress. Reframed to a 2.35:1 crop, Sky replacement and some general tweaking. Graded with Magic Bullet Looks. Shot at Bronte Beach, NSW, Australia
November 10, 2011 by admin Here’s a quick shot from the upcoming short. It makes use of CS5.5′s new “warp Stabilizer” feature. Pretty amazing effect, it will save a lot of shots you may have thought unusable. I may neveruse a tripod again
November 8, 2011 by admin Here’s a brief selection of stills from our recent short film shoot. Shot on the Panasonic GH2 with the 25mm f0.95 Voightlander lens.
This is our new look site. Lot’s of updates coming soon. In the mean time check out some more of our videos.